With a history of success spanning more than four decades, Bell Nunnally stands out as one of the most respected business law firms in Texas and is among the largest in North Texas by attorney head count. The firm’s profound legal knowledge and extensive experience set it apart, solidifying its reputation as Behind Every Great Company™. Bell Nunnally offers a comprehensive range of services, including litigation, appellate law, commercial finance, corporate and securities, creditors’ rights, bankruptcy, health law, intellectual property, labor and employment, immigration, real estate, entertainment, mergers and acquisitions, estate planning, tax and white-collar criminal defense. Recipient of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD) “Compass Award,” featured as one of Law.com’s “Mid-Market Pro 50,” and a multi-year honoree among the Dallas Morning News’ “Top Workplaces,” Bell Nunnally continues to be recognized for its commitment to diversity and excellence.