Equity Crowdfunding & Peer-to-peer Lending

Equity Crowdfunding & Peer-to-peer Lending

22 Oct 2019
Editor: Paulo Câmara

Crowdfunding has already an established and proven recognition worldwide as a powerful alternative financing tool. Three main points should be signaled in this respect. On the one hand, the volume of the crowdfunding market keeps increasing sharply at global level. On the other hand, the crowdfunding market is very dynamic as new crowdfunding platforms have recently started to operate. Finally, the projects to be financed through crowdfunding platforms are more and more diverse.

In this context, at a time when crowdfunding regulation is subject to discussion around the globe (namely in the context of the Proposal for a EU Crowdfunding Regulation), is seems important to assess the legal responses from various relevant jurisdictions, in respect to Equity Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer Lending. Such is the purpose of this publication.

This book is dedicated to the memory of Georg Van Daal, Former Deputy Head of Legalink FinTech Forum. Georg was a brilliant lawyer and a partner at Ekelmans & Meijer from 2014 to 2018. He was key to the structuring and to the development of this project but unfortunately could not live to see its final form. He is dearly missed.

October 2019

Paulo Câmara

Managing Partner of Sérvulo & Associados
Leader of the Legalink FinTech Forum

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