Rittershaus Rechtsanwälte

Mark-Oliver Kuehn


Mark Oliver Kühn is specialised in of­fer­ing le­gal ad­vice on in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy and pri­vacy law, in­dus­trial prop­erty rights as well as con­tract and com­mer­cial law.

Mr Kühn ad­vises and sup­ports na­tional and in­ter­na­tional com­pa­nies in de­sign­ing cor­po­rate processes to en­sure le­gal cer­tainty, in par­tic­u­lar in the fields of soft­ware con­tract law and open source, IT out­sourc­ing and pro­ject con­tracts, data pri­vacy and pro­tec­tion, e-com­merce and mul­ti­me­dia law, elec­tronic pay­ment sys­tems, IT com­pli­ance and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions law.

Mr Kühn also reg­u­larly lec­tures on cur­rent top­ics re­lat­ing to IT and pri­vacy law as well as com­pli­ance is­sues. Fur­ther­more, he is hon­orary mem­ber of the In­ter­na­tional As­so­ci­a­tion of Young Lawyers/ As­so­ci­a­tion In­ter­na­tional des Jeunes Av­o­cats (AIJA).
