Piper Alderman

Erin McCarthy


Erin has over fifteen years’ experience in providing advice to employers and employer associations on all aspects of occupational health and safety, employment and industrial relations law as well as delivering essential information seminars and training workshops on key employment issues.

Erin has extensive experience providing advice in relation to performance management, misconduct investigations and unfair dismissal claims, bullying, discrimination and harassment matters and occupational health and safety issues including risk management and policy development.

In particular, Erin has been involved in numerous enterprise bargaining processes for large organisations across industry sectors, supporting clients in the planning, negotiation and implementation stages of the process.

Erin is a co-author with Professor Andrew Stewart and Elise Jenkin of Parental Leave: A User-Friendly Guide, published by Thomson Reuters in December 2011.

As a part of our national team, Erin advises clients in all states and territories in Australia.
